Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 37 – Differentiating Birdsong Part II

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the Birdsong of the Wren. If the phrase ‘punching above your weight’ should be applied to any bird it’s the Wren. One of the smallest and yet loudest residents, the Wren makes its home in almost every habitat we have in Britain.  For more in this series […]

Radio Kerry – Weekly Tips 30 – The white tailed sea eagle

Did you know?….  The eagle, once a common species here, was completely wiped out by the early 1900’s. In a bid to re-establish our natural biodiversity balance, the National Parks and Wildlife Service has over the last 20 years worked on a project to import white tailed sea eagle chicks from Norway to Killarney National […]

Radio Kerry – Weekly Episode 30 – The white tailed sea eagle

This week on Ours to Protect we’re looking at a project which has brought the magnificent white tailed sea eagle back to Ireland. The eagle, once a common species here, was completely wiped out by the early 1900’s. In a bid to re-establish our natural biodiversity balance, the National Parks and Wildlife Service has over […]

Radio Kerry – Weekly Tips 25 – Bird Boxes

This week on Ours to Protect we took a look at supporting birds in winter. Did you know?…. A number of bird populations are in decline. This is partially due to the use of pesticides. People can take steps in their own gardens to support the birds. How can I help?…. Planting native trees and […]

Radio Kerry – Weekly Episode 25 – Bird Boxes

This week on Ours to Protect we are looking at the function of Bird Boxes and supporting bird populations in winter months. For more in this series listen in to Radio Kerry every Tuesday at 10.45am

Live 95 – Weekly Tips 23 – Helping Birds this Winter

What can I give garden birds?  Fatballs- these are perfect for providing protein and carbohydrates. You can even make your own by melting lard and pouring it onto a mixture of nuts, seeds, fruit and oatmeal. The mixture should have two-thirds ingredients to one-third of lard.  Peanuts – do not use dry roasted or salted […]

Live 95 – Weekly Episode 23 – Helping Birds this Winter

As the evenings close in and the temperatures drop, spare a thought for our native birds. Their natural seed sources are depleted in the winter and their water sources are frozen over. Aislinn spoke to Niall Hatch of Birdwatch Ireland to find out how we can help the birds, and how climate change is impacting […]

Midlands 103 – Weekly Tips 18 – A closer look at Swifts

Did you know? Swifts (Apus apus) are captivating aerial acrobats that grace the Irish skies during summer. These slender birds are known for their remarkable flying skills and distinctive calls.   Identification: Appearance: Sleek, brown plumage, long curved wings, and a short, forked tail. Size: Adults are 16-17 cm long with a 38-40 cm wingspan. […]