BEAT – Weekly Episode 30 – Christmas Tree Recycling

Listen back to this week’s episode as Orla looks at environmentally friendly ways you can dispose of your tree now that the festive season is well and truly over! For more in this series listen in to BEAT every Wednesday at 8.25pm.

WLR – Weekly Episode 29 – Christmas Tree Recycling

As we near the end of the 12 days of Christmas it’s time to think about re cycling your natural Christmas trees. We have great advice from Waterford City and County Council. We hear from the Tramore Eco Group who have a fun way of recycling the trees where you get to help their work […]

Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 30 – 100 million Trees

This week Tipp FM looked at: The 100 Million Trees Project to see 100 million Native Irish Trees planted very densely in small areas (from 0.1 to 0.25 acre or 4,356sq ft to 10,890sq ft – equal to one to two basketball courts) all over Ireland within the next 10 years.  Between 1,000 and 2,500 […]

Cork’s Red FM – Weekly Tips 28 – Cork Pot Grown Christmas Trees

Did You Know: Artificial trees have higher energy consumption. They are made of plastic, produced in countries with less energy efficient measures and transportation across the world adds to a lengthy carbon footprint. When artificial trees have served their time they end up in landfill for years and years. Cut trees surprisingly are the better […]

Midwest Radio – Weekly Episode 23 – The Balla No Name Club

This week Midwest Radio spoke to Amy Mallee from the Balla No-Name Club about the project that was undertaken by the group to plant 150 oak trees and create a walkway throughout the area. For more in this series listen to Midwest Radio every Friday at 9.50am

Tipp FM – Weekly Tips 20 – Ash Dieback

Did you know… Ash dieback is a serious disease of ash trees caused by the invasive fungal pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus The pathogen originates in Asia and was brought to Europe in the early 90s. Ash dieback was first detected in the Republic of Ireland in October 2012 on plants imported from continental Europe. The disease […]