Tipp FM – Weekly Episode 22 – Food Waste Charter

In this episode of Ours To Protect Tipp FM looked at food waste in local businesses and an appeal for food and drink businesses in County Tipperary to sign up for the Food Waste Charter to help reduce wastage along the supply chain. For more in this series listen in to Tipp FM every Monday […]

Sunshine 106.8FM – Weekly Tips 30 – Food Waste / Brown Bins

This week we looked at the new legislation that requires waste collection services to provide a brown bin collection service:   From January 2024 new EU Legislation means every householder in Ireland will be entitled to a brown bin collection service This legislation is part of an ongoing Waste Framework directive from the EU to […]

OCEAN FM – Weekly Tips 23 – Best Before Dates

  This week on Ocean FM we looked at Best Before and Use By dates and how understanding them better can help us reduce food waste. Did you know?   In Ireland we throw away 120 kg of food per household, or 44 kg per person, each year – that’s about half the weight of […]

C103 – Weekly Tips 21 – Composting Ireland

Did you know?    Recycling food and other organic waste into compost provides a range of environmental benefits, including improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recycling nutrients, and mitigating the impact of droughts.   Composting cuts Methane Emissions From Landfills.   Composting can be done both indoors and outdoors. . Here’s a few resources […]

C103 – Weekly Episode 21 – Composting Ireland

This week C103FM spoke with Donal O’ Leary of Composting Ireland about the benefits of this process and how you can start doing it.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.

C103 – Weekly Tips 20 – Halloween Food Waste

Did you know?    Around 800,000 tonnes of food waste is generated in the country every year and Ireland has committed to halving food waste by 2030 under a UN Sustainable Development Goal.   The Environmental Protection Agency launched a new Food Waste Charter earlier this year.   Membership of the Charter is open to […]

Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 22 – Less Waste in the Workplace

Did you know  Companies may not put time, money, or energy into workplace waste reduction if they believe it’s too inconvenient to establish a program, or that it’s trivial because it doesn’t bring the company money. However, while reducing waste may not generate revenue in the traditional sense, it will ultimately save your business money. […]