Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 22 – Less Waste in the Workplace

Did you know  Companies may not put time, money, or energy into workplace waste reduction if they believe it’s too inconvenient to establish a program, or that it’s trivial because it doesn’t bring the company money. However, while reducing waste may not generate revenue in the traditional sense, it will ultimately save your business money. […]

Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 20 – Sustainable plans of the Púca Festival

Sustainability at the Púca Festival – initiatives for 2023:   No Single-Use Plastics at Bars Fáilte Ireland is working with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, three Regional Waste Management Planning Offices and Native Events on a pilot scheme to reduce the use of single-use plastics at events. Púca Festival will be one of […]

Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 19 – Cutting down on waste at Halloween

Did you know…. 83% of Halloween costumes use non-recyclable plastic. 63% of Halloween costumes can take up to 20-200 years to decompose. 40% of consumers buy pumpkins to carve for Halloween but 60% of them just throw it away afterwards. When decomposed, pumpkins produce methane gas, which is 20X more harmful to earth than CO2. […]

Midlands 103 – Weekly Tips 19 – Castlepollard Energy Masterplan

Did you know?  Energy Masterplans for Irish towns are holistic strategies for enhancing energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental responsibility at the community level, providing a roadmap for towns toward a greener future. Renewable Energy: Identify local renewable sources. Develop clean energy infrastructure. Energy Efficiency: Conduct energy audits. Implement efficient technologies. Promote energy-conscious practices. Resilience & […]

WLR – Weekly Episode 18 – EPA Food Waste

Listen back to this week’s episode as Clodagh Walsh Speaks to the Environmental Protection Agency about the amount of food waste in Ireland each year. For more in this series listen in to WLR every Wednesday at 11.30am.

Q102 – Weekly Tips 22 – WEEE Ireland

This week Dublin’s Q102 spoke to Elizabeth O’Reilly from WEEE Ireland Did you know… In 2021, a record 71,811 tonnes of electronic waste was collected in Ireland for treatment, the highest quantity ever recorded in the State. Ireland surpassed all EU targets for recycling, reuse, and recovery of WEEE in 2021. What is electronic waste? […]

Q102 – Weekly Episode 22 – WEEE Ireland

This week Dublin’s Q102 spoke to Elizabeth O’Reilly from WEEE Ireland on the challenges of disposing of electronic waste.  For more in this series listen in to Q102 every Wednesday at 7pm.

LMFM – Weekly Tips 20 – Recycling Electronics

1.Check Product Lifespan. Do some research when you’re ready to buy a new product. Make sure it’s one that won’t break easily or become damaged shortly after you purchase it. In other words, look for products likely to have a much longer lifespan so you won’t need to replace it within a few years, or […]