Ocean FM

Ocean FM is an award winning local station serving Counties Sligo, North Leitrim and South Donegal. The station channels all the topical issues of our area while also delving into every aspect of what makes the people and communities of this unique corner of the world tick – from business, environment and farming to music, culture and sport.

Recent entries

February 14, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 32 – Worms & Soil

Did you know?

  • There has only ever been one scientific study made of earthworms in Ireland
  • Earthworms are hermaphrodite - neither male or female - but two earthworms are required in order to reproduce
  • There[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 32 – Worms & Soil

This week on Ocean FM's Ours to Protect we heard from the Soil Collective about creating and understanding healthy soils. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 31 – Community Woodlands

Did you know?

  • Ireland currently only has 11% of its landmass covered with trees. In most European countries the figure stands at 30%. We are aiming to increase our cover to 18%
  • The new national forestry programme is encouraging planting[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 31 – Community Woodlands

The focus this week is on encouraging community groups to plant more trees and the opportunities provided to them through the Government's Forestry Programme. We get the facts and see what can be achieved on a visit Cloonamahon Native Woodland Park with community groups and the Power[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 30 – A nature restoration site in Sligo

This week Ocean FM visits a nature restoration site in County Sligo, granted by The Canopy retail centre to the environmental charity, Hometree, with a view to rewetting the bogland and creating an area where the public can interact with this amazing habitat. For more in this series listen in[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 29 – Recycling

Did you know?

  • Ireland was expected to generate 97,000 tonnes of packaging waste this Christmas
  • Ireland currently recycles 31% of all plastics, but this needs to increase to 50% by 2025 under EU Legislation
  • More

January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 29 – Recycling

This week on Ocean Fm we discussed the importance of making sure that the items we recycle after Christmas are disposed of properly to make sure that they do not contaminate other recyclable waste. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 28 – A Sustainable Christmas

This week on Ocean Fm we talked about thinking twice about environmental choices when it comes to Christmas Trees.   Did you know?  

  • In Ireland, more than 450,000 real Christmas trees are sold every year and they each take from 6 to 10 years to[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 28 – A Sustainable Christmas

Listen back to this week's episode as Ocean FM seeks out the most sustainable option when it comes to Christmas Trees and suggests a few alternative ideas for those looking to be a little more creative. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 27 – Active Travel

This week on Our to Protect we highlighted the joys of cycling and the importance of good cycling infrastructure.   Did You Know?

  • Transport Infrastructure Ireland which oversees, funds, designs and maintains Greenways and rural cycle ways, in addition to roads and motorways, has an office in[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 27 – Active Travel

This week we suggest bicycles as an ideal Christmas present for children and join the Sligo Cycling Campaign on a fun cycle to gather support for provision of a Coastal Mobility Route between the coastal villages of Rosses Point and Strandhill via Sligo Town. For more in this[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 26 – A sustainable Christmas

This week on Ocean Fm, we got some simple tips on how to think a bit more sustainably when if comes to Christmas. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

Did you know?

  • Old newspapers and brown paper can make lovely Christmas wrapping - try adding a few painted stars or Christmas tree stamps
  • Christmas is a crucial time for local craft[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 25 – Circular Eating

Did you know?

  • Reusing as much surplus food as possible, to avoid the generation of waste and creating a new food ingredient or finished product can be called “Circular Eating”, “upcycled foods”, or “waste-to-value”
  • More

December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 25 – Circular Eating

This week on Ocean Fm, “Ours to Protect” focussed on the topic of circular eating and reusing fruit and veg that would often go to waste. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 24 – Rainwater Harvesting

  Did you know?

  • Rainwater harvesting can can play a vital role in reducing pressure on public water utilities and infrastructure, while also making cities more resilient to the effects of climate change
  • More

December 13, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 24 – Rainwater Harvesting

This week on Ours to Protect we joined in the creation of a rain planter, as a way to promote rainwater harvesting. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: OCEAN FM – Weekly Tips 23 – Best Before Dates

  This week on Ocean FM we looked at Best Before and Use By dates and how understanding them better can help us reduce food waste. Did you know?  

  • In Ireland we throw away 120 kg of[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 22 – Nature and Health

This week Ocean FM’s Aisling Heraughty speaks to Declan Feeney about the links between nature and our own health. She joins Clodagh Flynn and John of Medbh’s Dragon Warriors to demonstrate the healing power of paddling on Sligo’s Garavogue River and ecologist Shailagh Healy speaks about tuning[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 21 – Sligo Rivers Trust

Did you know?  

  • Only 1% of all the water on earth is freshwater
  • Sligo Rivers Trust was set up to help and support people who want to take care of their own[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 20 – Citizen Science

Did you know?

  • Recording observations of different kinds of plants, insects and animals by communities and individuals provide an essential early warning system in terms of environmental problems such as pollution or the impacts of climate change 
  • You can record[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 20 – Citizen Science

This week on Ours to Protect, Ocean FM looked at how valuable it is when individuals record their everyday observations of nature. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am  [...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 19 – Autumn Leaves

Did you know?

  • In the Dutch city of Eindhoven, the Council is putting out 200 "leaf baskets" around the city and is encouraging people who are tidying up fallen leaves around their street or home to deposit them[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 19 – Autumn Leaves

This week on Ocean FM we talked about seeing Autumn leaves as a resource for gardens and biodiversity. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 18 – The Power to Change

Did you Know?

  • 83% of participants across Irish communities are motivated to take action to address climate change
  • Being part of a community is better for our health - for example, people[...]


November 10, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 18 – The Power to Change

Listen back to this week's episode as we discuss the Power to Change project which aims to support and resource communities in the North West looking to take action on Climate Change. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am  [...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 17 – ATU Sligo Green Campus

This week on Ocean FM we heard about the work done to increase sustainability on campus at ATU Sligo.    Did You Know?

  • ATU Sligo has been part of the Green Campus Initiative for almost 10 years[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 17 – ATU Sligo Green Campus

Listen back to this week's episode as Niall Delaney chats to Declan Feeney, to highlight ATU Sligo's Green Campus, tips on energy and biodiversity. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 16 – Coastal Erosion

This week on Ours to Protect, Ocean FM looked at protecting our coasts from the impact of sea level rise caused by climate change Did you know?

  • Climate change threatens coastal areas, which are already stressed by human[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 16 – Coastal Erosion

This week on Ours to Protect, Ocean FM looked at protecting our coasts from the impact of sea level rise caused by climate change and chatted to Dr. Salem Gharbia of the EU wide SCORE project on coastal resilience. For more in this series listen in to Ocean[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 15 – Native Forests

  This week on Ocean FM we talked about the importance of native trees and ways to increase forested areas across the North West   Did you know?  

  • 11% of the land mass of Ireland is covered by forest -[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 15 – The importance of Trees

Listen back to this week's episode as we discuss the important role of trees in addressing climate change and the introduction of a new forestry programme to increase planting of native broadleaved trees.  For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 14 – Fixing Food Together

  This week on Ocean FM we discussed how making changes to what we eat can reduce our contribution to greenhouse gases Did you know.....

  • Food systems account for about 23-42% of human produced GHG emissions globally, which, for[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 14 – Fixing Food Together

Listen in this episode from Ocean FM as we chat with Dietician Orna O'Brien, author of the Fixing Food Together report, on how one third of global carbon emissions are as a result of our food system - compared with just 3.5% from air travel. For more in[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 13 – The importance of Soil

  This week on Ocean FM soil scientist, Dr. Aga Piwowarczyc, spoke about life in our soils and how important healthy soils are for climate mitigation, biodiversity and human health.   Did you know?

  • There are more living[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 13 – The importance of Soil

Join Niall Delaney, and his guest Dr. Aga Piwowarczyz, who joins him to highlight the importance of the microscopic life in our soils and listen to a discussion about the range organisms living in the soil - earthworms, bacteria, fungus, protozoa, nematodes to name but[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 12 – Litter and our Oceans

  This week on Ocean FM we discussed the impact that our litter can have on the places we love.   Did you know?  

  • “Biodegradable” litter is still litter. Items such as tea bags, fruit peels, and sandwich crusts[...]


September 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 12 – Litter and our Oceans

We visit the Leave No Trace Workshop at Kilglass House, where participants are discussing different items of litter found in the outdoors and students from Ballinode College give facts about the number of plastic bottles we consume and the proportion of these that is recycled.  For more in[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 11 – Food Waste

  Did you Know?  

  • When food is wasted, all the resources used in bringing that food to our tables are wasted too.
  • In Ireland, we produce around 1 million tonnes of food waste[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 11 – Food Waste

Listen back to this week's episode from Ocean FM as we spoke about food waste. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 10 – Water Conservation

  Did you know?  

  • About half of the water that we use every day does not need to be drinkable - and yet we tend to use water from our taps for almost everything
  • More

August 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 10 – Water Conservation

Listen back to this weeks episode from Ocean FM as we talk about options for rain water harvesting and how this can be solution in lots of different circumstances. For more in this series listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 9 – Blanket Bogs

  This week on Ocean FM we considered the role that bogs play in Climate Change   Did you know?  

  • Bogs or peatlands are wetlands containing 90% water and 10% dead plants
  • Peat[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 9 – Blanket Bogs

Listen back to this weeks episode as we investigate the Wild Atlantic Nature Life Scheme for Upland farmers in parts of the North West, to get the best from farms on blanket bogs, by financially rewarding farmers for better biodiversity. We chat to Derek McLoughlin of[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 7 – Sligo County Council Local Climate Action Plan

  The Local Authority Local Climate Action Plan or LACAP, for short, was the topic on Ours to Protect this week.   Did you Know?

  • Every Local Authority in Ireland is creating a Climate Action Plan (LACAP) for their own[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 7 – Sligo County Council Local Climate Action Plan

Listen back to this weeks episode as we chat about Sligo County Council's Local Climate Action Plan and hear from Sligo County Council Climate Action Officer, Peter Murtagh For more in this series, listen in to Ocean FM every Thursday at 10.45am[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 6 – Dune Systems in the North West

In this weeks episode we look at Dune Systems in the North West give some info on Clean Coasts Photography Competition for July and August and chat to Declan Feeney on dunes as a protection against sea level rise and coastal flooding as he outlines how increasing[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 6 – The importance of our Sand Dune Systems

  On Ours to Protect this week we saw how important sand dunes systems are for our coastal communities.   Did You Know?  

  • As an island nation, we are fortunate enough to have over 3,000km of coastline right[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 5 – The Humble Hazel Tree

Listen back as Aisling from Ocean chats to Noreen McNamara about Hazels, their uses and how to care for them. She also speaks with forest ecologist Saoirse O'Donoghue on how to grow Hazel Trees, coppicing and the many benefits of this kind of tree. For more in this series listen[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 5 – Planting Hazel Trees for bio-diversity

  On Ours to Protect this week we suggested that listeners might consider planting a few hazel trees if they have a bit of spare ground in their garden.   Did you know.....  

  • Hazel, sweet chestnut and walnut[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 4 – Water Restoration

Listen back to Ocean FM as Aisling Heraghty from Ocean FM looked at how interdependent the different species in our rivers are and how they can be impacted by Climate Change. We heard that communities can play a crucial part in monitoring for these changes. For more in[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 4 – Water Restoration

  This week Ocean looked at how interdependent the different species in our rivers are and how they can be impacted by Climate Change. We heard that communities can play a crucial part in monitoring for these changes. Did you know…

June 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 3 – Healthy Soil, Food Waste and Superbugs

Listen back to Ocean FM as Aisling chats with Soil Scientist Dr. Aga Piwowarczyc on the range of organic life found in healthy soils,  the ability of bacteria found in Irish soils to combat superbugs. Hear her chat with Shelley Long at the Food Waste[...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 3 – Food Waste and Home Composting

  On Ours to Protect this week we asked all Ocean FM listeners to be aware of food waste and to consider home composting. Did you know…

  • Reducing food waste has been identified as one[...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 2 – Greenways and Green Ways…

Listen in as we bring you news on a proposed Greenway for Sligo and hear about the impact of No Mow May and the concept of a 'Slow Grow Summer'. Hear Aisling chat with Declan Feeney on the banks of the river at ATU Sligo about how the University ground staff[...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Tips 2 – Greenways and Green Ways…

    On Ours to Protect this week we asked all Ocean FM listeners to go for a Slow Mow Summer - cutting grasses and lawns every less often - maybe every 4 or 6 weeks. Did you know…

June 22, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Weekly Episode 1 – Planting Native Trees

Listen in to Ocean FM as Aisling Heraughty explores the planting of native trees across the county. She chats with Shailagh Healy on a guided forest walk, meets some children who are exploring the woods and explores the impact of the Native Woodland Scheme.  [...]


June 9, 2023

TITLE: Ocean FM – Episode 1 – The Panel

Join Niall Delaney and listen back to Ocean FM as they broadcast the first programme in the series 'Ours To Protect'. Listen in to LMFM every Tuesday at 14.25 for more in this series.[...]


Ocean FM
