
C103 plays Cork’s Greatest Hits and covers both Cork city and county. It delivers a broad range of programmes, all with a strong Cork focus. C103 is home to the award winning talk show, Cork Today. The station is famous for its comprehensive sports programmes including unrivalled local Gaelic Games coverage at weekends.

Recent entries

April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 42 – UCC Sustainable Agriculture

Did you know?  A collaboration between UCC and MAS was announced at the official opening of the Cork Summer Show last year. The Munster Agricultural Society has provided funding for the development of a Farmland Biodiversity Education and Research Programme. A two-acre research site for plot-based research in soil[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 42 – UCC Sustainable Agriculture

This week C103 spoke to Deirdre Hennessy, lecturer in Sustainable Agriculture in grassland at University College Cork.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 41 – Recycling at Easter

Did you know?  Repak, surveyed 1,000 adults in Ireland on their Easter spending, recycling habits and knowledge of what can be recycled.  An overwhelming majority (88%) said that they felt confident in their recycling abilities when it comes to disposing Easter egg packaging. However, when asked how much[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 41 – Recycling at Easter

This week C103 spoke to Laura Sherry from Repak about how to have a more sustainable Easter Egg.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 40 – The Cloth Nappy Library

Did you know? 

  • The Environmental Scale of the Damage by disposable nappies in Cork:
  • The birth rate for Cork is approx. 6,724*(CSO 2021) babies annually.
  • They will require an average of 8 nappies per day[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 40 – The Cloth Nappy Library

This week C103 spoke to Kate Doyle from Cloth Nappy Library Ireland.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 39 – The National Biodiversity Plan

Did you know?  The aim of the National Biodiversity action plan is to ensure that every citizen, community, business, local authority, semi-state and state agency has an awareness of biodiversity and its importance, and of the implications of its loss, while also understanding how they can act to address[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 39 – The National Biodiversity Plan

This week C103 spoke to Minister of State, Malcolm Noonan about the recent launch of the National Biodiversity Action Plan, what it means and how it will be rolled out. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 38 – Youghal Community Market

Did you know?  The Youghal Community Market is more than just a market – it’s a vibrant community hub:

  • Support local: Every purchase empowers your neighbours and strengthens the local economy. Choose fresh, delicious produce and handcrafted goods while knowing you’re making a positive[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 38 – Youghal Community Market

This week C103 spoke to Organiser of Youghal Community Market Shane Murphy.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 37 – Carbon Neutral Cork City

Did you know?  The transformation needed in Cork city for it to become carbon neutral by 2030 was the focus of discussions at a recent event. Cork City has been selected, as part of the EU 100 Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities Mission, to seek to achieve climate neutrality by[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 37 – Carbon Neutral Cork City

This week C103 spoke to Ann Doherty, Chief Executive of Cork City Council, Clara O’Neill, Chair of the CBA’s Cork City 2030 committee, Ger Kiely from the Old Oak, Lord Mayor Cllr Kieran McCarthy, CBA President Kevin Herlihy about how Cork City is turning Carbon Neutral.  For more[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 36 – Cork Airport

Did you know?  20 initiatives are being rolled out to accelerate both airports’ climate and sustainability related ambitions, including achieving net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. The 20 initiatives announced by daa earlier this month include that the light vehicle fleets at both Cork and Dublin[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 36 – Cork Airport

Listen back to this week episode as we chat to Niall McCarthy, Cork Airport and Kenny Jacobs, DAA.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 35 – EPA Research

Did you know? 

  • The EPA has announced €14.3 million in funding for 33 projects to address climate and environmental challenges. This is a 34% increase in investment from the previous round in 2022.
  • 40% of the lead researcher applicants are[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 35 – EPA Research

This week C103 spoke to the EPA’s Darragh O’Neill about recent it's Research programme.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 34 – The Gearagh River Delta

Did you know? 

  • The Gearagh river delta is one of only a handful of inland river deltas in the world- they are typically found where the river meets the sea. Other inland deltas can be found at the Okavongo basin in Botswana, the Danube along[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 34 – The Gearagh River Delta

This week C103 spoke to the Green Party’s Harriet Burgess about the Gearagh River Delta.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 33 – Disposable Vapes

Did you know?  The results of the governments public consultation on disposable vaping products in Oct  2023 revealed only 37% of people sampled out of the 3,215 asked  knew how to dispose of disposable vapes while over 90% of people agree that disposable vapes are an environmental concern  and[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 33 – Disposable Vapes

This week C103 spoke to VOICE Irelands Lyndsey O'Connell  about the use of disposable vapes.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 32 – Deposit Return Schemes abroad

Did you know? 

  • Germany has the highest rate of plastic recycling in Europe, with 98% of material reused. Ireland’s rate is just over 60%.
  • Deposit return schemes have been implemented in 14 European countries to date, with the legislation adopted[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 32 – Deposit Return Schemes abroad

This week C103 spoke to Ida Wulff and Sarah Muth about deposit return schemes work in their home countries of Finland and Germany. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 31 – Creative Bandon

Did you know? 

  • Ireland is one of the biggest consumers and disposers of textiles in the EU. We consume 53 kg per person per year and throw away 35 kg, compared to the European average of 26 kg and 12 kg.
  • More

February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 31 – Creative Bandon

This week C103 spoke to Marguerite of Creative Bandon.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 30 – Fair Seas Update

This week C103 spoke to Dr Donal Griffin for a Fair Seas Campaign update. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 30 – Fair Seas Update

Did you know?  Fair Seas has published the results of its first Ocean Literacy Survey which highlights that 76% of Irish people believe “lack of political will to protect or manage the ocean effectively” is the greatest threat to Ireland’s seas.    Some of the key findings include: 

February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 29 – Repak

Did you know?  Ireland is expected to produce 100,000 tons of packaging waste this Christmas.  On average, Irish people plan to spend €375 on gifts this year. However, people are more likely to buy presents that can be reused or kept for[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 29 – Repak

This week C103 spoke to Repak about Christmas packaging waste and what to do about it. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 28 – Sustainable Planting

This week C103 spoke to those Corkonians who are trying to make planting and small scale farming a bit more sustainable. Did you know?  A diverse selection of native wildflowers has the added benefit of increased habitats for pollinators such as bees and butterflies.   Open-pollinated seeds typically[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 28 – Sustainable Planting

This week C103 spoke to those Corkonians who are trying to make planting and small scale farming a bit more sustainable. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 27 – A Sustainable Christmas

Did you know?  Real Christmas trees are biodegradable and have no chemical impacts to the surrounding environment. Composted Christmas trees can be used for lumber, mulch and fertilisation for next year’s crop.   Artificial Christmas trees are typically made of petroleum-based plastics and metal. Specifically, they are commonly made[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 27 – A Sustainable Christmas

This week C103 spoke to Cork tree farmers making the Christmas season more sustainable. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 26 – Cork Clothes Swop

Did you know?  As well as being a time of joy, Christmas is undoubtedly a period of excessive consumerism and waste. In fact, environmentalists have described the holiday season as 'the world’s greatest annual environmental disaster.' With fashion accounting for about[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 26 – Cork Clothes Swop

This week C103 spoke with Clare Buckley, a volunteer with Cork Clothes Swap.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 25 – Enterprise Ireland Sustainability

This week C103FM spoke with Alexa Twoomey, Head of Sustainability at EI.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 25 – Enterprise Ireland Sustainability

This week C103FM spoke with Alexa Twoomey, Head of Sustainability at EI Did you know?  This week we hear of a new initiative by Enterprise Ireland to help companies on their sustainability journey. Alexa Toomey, Head of Sustainability at EI,[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 24 – Green Friday

Did you know?    New research this month revealed that 4 in 10 online shoppers intend to complete their Christmas gifts and non-food shopping over the coming weekend.   Consumers in Ireland will spend about €5-billion-euro this Christmas, so keeping a decent[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 24 – Green Friday

This week C103FM spoke with Evelyn Moynihan of Champion Green about the Green Friday movement.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 22 – “Joining the Dots”

    This week C103FM spoke with British Ambassador Paul Johnston    Did you know?  The current theme of 'Joining the Dots', a British Embassy led programme that launched in Cork five years ago, centres around the retrofitting of houses and[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 22 – “Joining the Dots”

This week C103FM spoke with British Ambassador Paul Johnston about a special project being run in Cork.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 21 – Composting Ireland

Did you know?    Recycling food and other organic waste into compost provides a range of environmental benefits, including improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, recycling nutrients, and mitigating the impact of droughts.   Composting cuts Methane Emissions From Landfills.   More

November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 21 – Composting Ireland

This week C103FM spoke with Donal O’ Leary of Composting Ireland about the benefits of this process and how you can start doing it.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am.[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 20 – Halloween Food Waste

Did you know?    Around 800,000 tonnes of food waste is generated in the country every year and Ireland has committed to halving food waste by 2030 under a UN Sustainable Development Goal.   The Environmental Protection Agency launched a new Food[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 20 – Halloween Food Waste

This week C103FM spoke with Cork TV Chef Jack O’Keeffe about some tasty ways to reduce waste this Halloween.  For more in this series listen to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 19 – Picker Pals

Did you know?    Over 600 children are being given the opportunity to take part in this environmental educational programme that sees children take to the streets with their litter-pickers, to make the world better.   The Picker Pals programme enables children[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 19 – Picker Pals

This week C103FM spoke with Angela Kenny of Picker Pals.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 18 – Pitseal – an eco friendly solution to silage covering

Did you know?  Pitseal is an eco-friendly solution to silage covering. Pitseal is a startup company founded on the UCC Ignite programme.    Pitseal is preparing to head to Lisbon next month to attend the global tech conference Web Summit.   More

October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 18 – Pitseal

This week C103FM spoke with Marion Cantillon of Pitseal as an alternative to silage covering on farms.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 17 – Resomation

This week C103FM spoke with Elizabeth Oakes the founder of Pure Reflections about the process of Resomation as an alternative to burial or cremation.     Did you know?  The energy needed for the average Resomation process in the form of electricity[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 17 – Resomation

Listen back to this week's episode as we discussed sustainable alternative to traditional burials or cremation.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 16 – Climate Action through Culture

Did you know?  The project  - called - ‘Gleann a’ Phúca’ - referring to the fact the area was once known as ‘Glen of the Spooks’ - aims to celebrate, protect and improve the water quality of the Glen River as[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 16 – Climate Action through Culture

Listen back to this week's episode as C103FM spoke with Julie Forrester, Artistic Director of a new Climate Action arts project in Cork For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 15 – Sustainable Transport

This week C103FM spoke with Patrick Sheehan of eBee Did you know?    According to a study conducted by the European Cyclists Federation, e-bikes are even better for the environment than electric cars, creating just 2.5 to 5 grams of carbon[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 15 – Sustainable Transport

Listen back to this week's episode as Barry O Mahony chats with Patrick Sheehan about how eBikes are an effective and environmentally friendly form of transport. For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 14 – Arona – Sustainable beauty products

  This week C103FM spoke with Nora Irwin of Arona. Did you know?    Increased sales in the all-natural fragrance market continues to be based in the widespread trend of health and wellness lifestyles.    The ever-increasing demand for healthier[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 14 – Arona

Listen back to this week's episode as we meet the founder of Youghal-based solid perfume business 'Arona' Nora Irwin and chat to her about her sustainable business perspective.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 13 – Reducing your waste with Refurbed.ie

This week C103FM spoke with Padraig Power of Refurbed. Did you know?    Based on the results of the study, buying refurbished smartphones, tablets and laptops instead of new devices saves :   

  • between 69 and 91%[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 13 – Reducing your waste with Refurbed.ie

Listen back to this week's episode as we chat to Padraig Power from Refurbed.ie - Ireland’s leading online marketplace for refurbished technology.  For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 12 – 2 Go Cup

  This week C103FM spoke with Kevin Murphy of 2 Go Cup. Did you know?    22,000 coffee cups are disposed of in Ireland every hour, that is 528,000 every day or 200 million a year.   Single use coffee cups are[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 12 – 2GoCup


The increasing demand for coffee has also resulted in a surge of coffee cup waste in Ireland listen back to this week's episode as Barry O'Mahoney chats with Kevin Murphy about how to reduce this waste. 

For more in this series listen in to C103 every[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 11 – Bees

Did you know?    Bees are the most important pollinator of crops and native plant species in Ireland. They are a key component of our wildlife and one of the busiest, least appreciated work forces we have. A study from the Department[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 11 – Bees

This week C103FM's Barry O'Mahoney spoke with Elaine Conway, Vicky Knight and Dr Úna Fitzpatrick about the Irish Bee Conservation and The Pollinator Plan. For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 10 – Hedgerows

Did you know?    Most of Ireland’s hedgerows were planted during the 1700 and 1800s when Acts of Parliament obligated landowners to plant proper permanent boundaries between their properties (Teagasc, 2022). However, some date back to mediaeval times and even as early[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 10 – Hedgerows

Listen back to this weeks episode as C103's Barry O'Mahoney spoke with Katie Smirnova, Campaigns Officer for Hedgerows Ireland.  For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 9 – Sustainable Weddings in Ireland

  This week C103FM talked with Wedding Caterer Orla McAndrew and owner of Bella Bleu Vintage Lucy Ryan Did you know?    The average wedding produces 400 lbs of rubbish and 63 tons of CO2, with an estimated 2.5 million weddings per[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 9 – Sustainable Weddings in Ireland

Listen back to this weeks episode as C103FM talked with Wedding Caterer Orla McAndrew and owner of Bella Bleu Vintage Lucy Ryan about how to have a sustainable wedding.  For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 8 – Sustainable Irish Tourism

This week C103FM talked with Colleen Phillips of Inch Hideaway and Laura Behan of Ballymaloe House about sustainable tourism and how Cork businesses are making a difference.  For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am[...]


August 15, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 8 – Sustainable Tourism in Cork

  This week C103FM talked with Colleen Phillips of Inch Hideaway and Laura Behan of Ballymaloe House Did you know?    Tourism is an enormous and widespread industry. It is found all over the world, so its impacts,[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 7 – A Clean Beach

  This week C103FM talked with Harriet Donnelly, CEO of Flossie and the Beach Cleaners   Did you know?    Packaging and small items make up 80% of plastic waste around Europe's beaches, with some of the discarded pollutants lasting up[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 7 – The importance of a clean Beach

Listen in as we chat to Harriet Donnelly and her daughter Flossie who both believe regular fun beach cleaning, and clean-up events can make a real difference. Find out more about the amount of waste and what we can do to prevent it in this episode from[...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 6 – The Fair Seas Campaign

This week C103FM talked with Aoife O’ Mahony and Jack O’ Donovan about the Fair Seas campaign. For more in this series, listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am   [...]


July 28, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 6 – The Fair Seas Campaign

Did you know?    In Ireland we only have 8.3% of our ocean protected. Fair Seas says Ireland is far behind our European counterparts in protecting our marine environment.   Research shows that 31% of people believe that Irish[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 5 – the Circular Economy at work in Midleton

Listen back this week as Barry chats with Wendy Hickey and her partner Andrea Sivieri who own the Earthway Refill shop in Midleton & Katie Sloane and listen as they chat about the importance of the circular economy.  For more in this series, listen in to C103 every[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 5 – The Circular Economy

  This week C103FM talked with Wendy Hickey and her partner Andrea Sivieri who own Earthway Refill shop in Midleton    Did you know?    According to an analysis from the European Environment Agency (EEA), only aluminium, paper, and[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 3 – Good Day Cork

This week C103FM talked with Joanna Dukkipati of Good Day Cork about her project Diverse Stories from Nature  How you can start a cultural conversation about the environment...  The first step is to get into nature – go[...]


July 19, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 3 – Good Day Cork

Listen back as this week C103FM talked with Joanna Dukkipati of Good Day Cork about her project Diverse Stories from Nature and how you can start a cultural conversation about the environment... For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am  [...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Tips 1 – Organic Gardening in UCC

  This week C103FM talked with Irene Ní Shúilleabháin of UCC GreenShoots about UCC's Community Garden as an example of organic gardening.  Did you know…  Growing produce organically is said to have more flavour and be better[...]


June 22, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Weekly Episode 1 – Organic Gardening at UCC

This week C103FM talked with Irene Ní Shúilleabháin of UCC GreenShoots about UCC's Community Garden as an example of organic gardening. For more in this series - listen in to C103 every Friday at 11.45am  [...]


June 9, 2023

TITLE: C103 – Episode 1 – The Panel

  Join Patricia Messinger on Corks C103 as she hosts the first progamme in the 'Ours to Protect' series. As part of the panel she chats with Deirdre Duff from Friends of the Earth, Pauline McDonagh - the ciruclar economy co-ordinator in Cork about climate change and how we can impact climate action.[...]


