Radio Nova

Radio Nova launched in 2010 and has rapidly earned its stripes as one of the most successful arrivals to the airwaves. We broadcast to Dublin city, county and commuter belt (including North Wicklow, North Kildare and South Meath) on 100.3, 100.5 and 95.7FM. Radio Nova is also available nationally via its smartphone apps (iPhone & Android), its website and via the Irish Radio Player. We employ a team of almost 40 people across several departments – Programming, Sales, Commercial Production, Promotions and General Administration. An example of our key artists include The Killers, Kings of Leon, Coldplay, Keane, Foo Fighters, Kaiser Chiefs, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, U2, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, The Who and many more.

Recent entries

April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 42 – Eco Gardening

5 Reasons to Grow a Diverse Garden  

  1. Increase Biodiversity
Growing diverse plant species promotes biodiversity. Much like farmers practice crop rotation to ensure healthy soil and plants, growing a diverse garden increases soil biodiversity. Diverse plant species promote biodiversity because they support different microorganisms in the soil. Growing a[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 42 – Eco Gardening

This week on Radio Nova we’re chatting about the advantages of having a more bio diverse garden. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.  [...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 41 – The Importance of Peatlands

Did you know about the Importance of Blanket Bogs?

  • Blanket bogs are valuable wetlands, not wastelands. There are a number of scientific, economic, cultural and moral reasons for conserving blanket bogs.
  • Only a small amount of blanket bog exists in the[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 41 – The importance of Peatlands

This week on Radio Nova we’re chatting about the importance of peatlands. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 40 – No Planet B Environmental Youth Group

What are the aims of the club?

  • to raise awareness of climate change and biodiversity loss
  • to connect with nature, wildlife and people
  • to empower young people with hope, not fear
  • More

April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 40 – No Planet B Environmental Youth Group

This week on Radio Nova we’re chatting with the ‘No Planet B’ environmental youth group in Naas, Co. Kildare. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 39 – Differentiating Birdsong Part III

Dio you know how to recognise the Robin?  

  • Distinctive with orange-red breast & rounded head and thick neck. 
  • The Robin remains very still when perched. 
  • Upright stance, occasionally cocks tail momentarily. 

April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 39 – Differentiating Birdsong Part III

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the Birdsong of the Robin. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursdsay at 8pm.  [...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 38 – The Great Famine Commemorative Woodland

Did you know? In a world grappling with environmental challenges, reforestation stands out as a powerful solution that offers numerous benefits.   

  1. Carbon sequestration: Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues, and reforestation plays a crucial role in mitigating it. Trees are champions in[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 38 – The Great Famine Commemorative Woodland

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the planting of a woodland dedicated to the Irish Diaspora.  In a world grappling with environmental challenges, reforestation stands out as a powerful solution that offers numerous benefits.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 37 – Differentiating Birdsong Part II

Did you know? If the phrase ‘punching above your weight’ should be applied to any bird it’s the Wren. One of the smallest and yet loudest residents, the Wren makes its home in almost every habitat we have in Britain.  Song notes:   

  • More

April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 37 – Differentiating Birdsong Part II

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the Birdsong of the Wren. If the phrase ‘punching above your weight’ should be applied to any bird it’s the Wren. One of the smallest and yet loudest residents, the Wren makes its home in almost every habitat[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 36 – Significance of BER in the property market

How to Improve your home’s BER: Aim for a B2 rating When planning energy upgrades to your home, we recommend aiming for a B2 rating. This rating will give you the most energy savings for the money you invest. These types of energy upgrades focus on reducing heat loss and[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 36 – Significance of BER in the property market

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the increasing prominence of the Building Energy Rating in the property market. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 35 – Birdsong of the Blackbird

Did you know?   The Benefits of Bird Song Bird song has become a popular method of sound therapy and can benefit humans, especially those experiencing the stress of noise pollution. Reduces Stress The sound frequencies of bird songs help humans restart mentally and provoke relaxation. Bird sound is also reassuring[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 35 – Birdsong of the Blackbird

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at the Birdsong of the Blackbird with Birdsong enthusiast Richella Duggan.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 34 – Repurposing Fabric

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO RECYCLE YOUR OLD CLOTHES? We could all do with recycling more, and while many of us are dependent on our local waste collection service to recycle paper, plastic and metal, we often forget that there are so many eco-friendly rubbish disposal options for clothes. [...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 34 – Repurposing Fabric

Listen back to this week's episode as we chat to Arran Murphy of the Rediscovery Centre about their re-purposing fabric workshops and training. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 33 – The Gaelic Woodland Project

Did you know these reasons why Forests are important?  

  • Forests provide essential resources
  • They are a haven of biodiversity
  • They support jobs
  • Forests sustain rural livelihoods
  • They provide food, security and nutrition
  • Forests fight climate change
  • They clean the air
  • They protect[...]


February 14, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 33 – The Gaelic Woodland Project

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at how the Gaelic Woodland Project are working to increase the forest cover of Ireland. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 32 – Hacks for a Sustainable Life

What are the Benefits of a Sustainable Lifestyle?

  • Saves Money - Even if some people don't care about environmental sustainability, we all surely care about our bank balance. So the good news is that leading a more sustainable lifestyle is good for your wallet as[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 32 – Hacks for a Sustainable Life

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at hacks to help kick start the journey towards a more sustainable way of living. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 31 – Recycled Paint

This week on Radio Nova we’re looking at Recycled Paint in the Rediscovery Centre in Ballymun.    4 Reasons You Should Recycle Your Used Paint   Every time you choose to recycle your old paint, coatings, and aerosol products, you make the world a greener place to live in.   

  1. [...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 31 – Recycled Paint

Listen back to this week's episode as we chat to Dave Kavanagh of the Rediscovery Centre where they recycle paint. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 30 – The Earthy Marketplace Resource Hub

The Earthy Marketplace aims to foster a supportive environment where people from all walks of life can come to make conscious purchasing decisions that have a positive impact, and gain access to information and resources that help connect communities.   It is made up primarily of 4 elements:   EARTHY EATS    More

January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 30 – The Earthy Marketplace Resource Hub

Listen back to this week's episode as we chat to Earthy Marketplace founder Lorna Anne Tierney. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 29 – Recycling

From the pollution produced by landfills to the devastating effects of plastic in our oceans, we urgently need to stem the flow of rubbish pouring into our environment. Here's a reminder of why recycling is such a good thing – for you and the planet.  

  1. Conserving natural resources

January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 29 – Recycling

Listen back to this week's episode as we look at better ways to recycle our waste.  From the pollution produced by landfills to the devastating effects of plastic in our oceans, we urgently need to stem the flow of rubbish pouring into our environment. For more in this[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 28 – Getting involved in Climate Action projects

  This week on Radio Nova we were looking at ways you can get involved locally in climate action.   Ten reasons to start or join a community energy project  

  1. You’ll be building the system needed to stop the climate crisis
  1. Community renewables redirect money supporting the fossil[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 28 – Getting involved in Greener Politics

Listen back to this week's episode as we chat to local cllr Hazel Smith and discuss how you can get involved in politics. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.  [...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 27 – The Rediscovery Centre

The Rediscovery Centre is located in the heart of Ballymun, Dublin. It’s mission is to lead Ireland’s transition to a circular economy and a sustainable future by creating a fair and inclusive society that thrives within the boundaries of our natural resource   They Believe:

  • More

January 27, 2024

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 27 – The Rediscovery Centre

This week on Radio Nova we were looking at upcycling and re-purposing at the Rediscovery Centre. The Rediscovery Centre is located in the heart of Ballymun, Dublin. It’s mission is to lead Ireland’s transition to a circular economy and a sustainable future by creating a fair[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

  Over Christmas, we typically eat lots of food and spend lots of money. The remnants of millions of turkeys, tonnes of plastic packaging and miles of wrapping paper have to go somewhere.    Did you know….  

December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

This week on Radio Nova we were looking at ways to celebrate a more sustainable Christmas. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.  [...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 25 – Are real or fake Christmas trees better for the environment?

Real or Fake: Which Christmas tree is better for the environment? Short answer—real! Real trees help fight climate change, and even though your Christmas tree is cut down, you’re actually supporting forests.    Are fake Christmas trees bad for the environment? Nearly[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 25 – Are real or fake Christmas trees better for the environment?

This week on Radio Nova we were discussing the long running debate, are real or fake trees better for the environment? For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday from 8pm[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 24 – Upcycling

Did you know….  

  • Repurposed furniture is furniture given a second lease on life—whether reupholstered, refinished, repainted, or redone.
  • Repurposing furniture is also commonly known as upcycling.
  • Upcycling furniture is also kind to our earth's resources.[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 24 – Redesigning and Upcycling Furniture

This week on Radio Nova we looked at re-designing and upcycling furniture in the home. For more in this series listen to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 23 – What is an Eco Brick?

10 Step Guide to Making an Ecobrick Ecobricks can be made by the young, the old and everyone in between — no machines, special skills or experts required!  However, there are important guidelines to follow to ensure the quality and usability[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 23 – What is an Eco Brick?

This week on Radio Nova we looked at an original way to reuse and re-purpose all the soft plastic we accumulate, called the ecobrick. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 22 – Less Waste in the Workplace

Did you know  Companies may not put time, money, or energy into workplace waste reduction if they believe it’s too inconvenient to establish a program, or that it’s trivial because it doesn’t bring the company money. However, while reducing[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 22 – Less waste in the workplace

This week on Radio Nova we looked at ways to cut back on waste in the workplace. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 21 – Composting

This week on Radio Nova we looked at the versatility of the Bokashi composting bin. What is a Bokashi Bin? These bins are the most effective method of recycling kitchen waste, carried out in an airtight container using Bokashi as[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 21 – Composting

Listen back to this week's episode as we ask people about composting and discuss the versatility of the Bokashi bin and link to Ollie Greene from  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 20 – Sustainable plans of the Púca Festival

Sustainability at the Púca Festival - initiatives for 2023:   No Single-Use Plastics at Bars Fáilte Ireland is working with the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, three Regional Waste Management Planning Offices and Native Events on a pilot scheme to[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 20 – Sustainable plans of the Púca Festival

This week on Radio Nova we looked at the sustainability plans of the Púca Festival. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 19 – Cutting down on waste at Halloween

Did you know….

  • 83% of Halloween costumes use non-recyclable plastic.
  • 63% of Halloween costumes can take up to 20-200 years to decompose.
  • 40% of consumers buy pumpkins[...]


November 12, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 19 – Cutting down on waste at Halloween

Listen back this week as Traic Ó Braonáin discuses the increase in non-recyclable waste from Halloween and chats with sustainability expert Anna Browne. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 18 – The Organic Option

Did you know?  The benefits to eating organic….

  1. Persistent Pesticides
Eating organic reduces the amount of chemicals in your diet namely persistent pesticides. 
  1. GMOs
Eating organic is the best way to avoid GMO foods, ingredients and[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 18 – The Organic Option

Listen back to this week's episode as Traic Ó Braonáin finds out about the growth in the availability of organic products in supermarkets and chats with organic farmer Diana Pickersgill about the benefits of organic produce.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 17 – Green Kids

This week on Radio Nova we met up with the Green Kids to discuss composting, reusing, and the importance of bees. Climate change is one of the biggest issues our planet faces, and children will be the most affected[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 17 – Green Kids

Listen back to this week's episode as Traic Ó Braonáin chats about the ‘Green Kids’ feature and meets with children, Caobhán and Ornaith, to get their views and knowledge on green issues.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 16 – The benefits of Microgreens

This week on Radio Nova we learned all about Microgreens. Microgreens benefits The nutritional benefits of each type of microgreen depend on the plant, but research shows that microgreens may contain 4 to 40 times the nutrients of mature plant leaves.[...]


October 17, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 16 – The benefits of Microgreens

Listen in to this week's episode as Radio Nova finds out about the emergence of Microgreens and chats with Ollie Greene from For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 15 – Household Waste

  This week on Radio Nova we chatted about household food waste. How do I track my food wastage?   Step 1. Separate your food waste   Collect all your food waste in a separate container for at least a week. Any container will[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 15 – Household Waste

Listen back to this week's episode from Radio Nova as Traic Ó Braonáin gives some information on household food waste in Ireland and chats with Eibhlin Fitzpatrick from the Refill Mill. For more in this series listen in Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 14 – Retrofitting with the SEAI Part 2.

This week on Radio Nova we chatted with the SEAI about the grants that are available to help retrofit your home. 3 steps to a warmer home If your home was built pre 2011 it may need multiple upgrades to[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 14 – Retrofitting with the SEAI Part 2.

Listen back to this week's episode as Traic Ó Braonáin follows up  feature from the previous week, and looking towards learning about the SEAI grant system in this feature, and recommendations for the retro fitting journey. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 13 – Retrofitting with the SEAI Part 1.

This week on Radio Nova we chatted with the SEAI about retrofitting your home. Why you should retrofit your home …  

  1. Increased Energy Efficiency
Retrofitting your home can significantly increase its energy efficiency. By upgrading insulation, sealing air leaks, and[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 13 – Retrofitting with the SEAI Part 1.

Listen back to this weeks episode as Traic Ó Braonáin finds out about the increase in people looking to retrofit their homes and link to chat with Ciarán Byrne from the SEAI. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 12 – An organic garden

  This week Radio Nova looked at ways to incorporate organic products into your garden. Did you know … The vitamin and mineral content in organic foods is higher than those in conventionally produced foods, thanks in large part to the[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 12 – An organic garden

Listen back to this week's episode as Traic Ó Braonáin finds out about the advantages of using organic products in your garden and has a conversation with artist and founder Ollie Greene about where to start with a more organic and bio diverse garden.  For more in[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 11 – Ecological Art

  This week Radio Nova looked at the importance of Eco Art in raising awareness about environmental issues.    Did you know…  

  • Ecological art is an art genre and artistic practice that seeks to preserve, remediate and/or vitalize the[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 11 – Ecological Art

Listen back to this weeks episode as Traic Ó Braonáin finds out about the background to Ecological Art has a conversation with artist Nicola Bowes from the Celtic Eye Art Group. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 10 – An Alternative Fuel Source

  This week Radio Nova looked at the emergence of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil as an alternative fuel source.   Did you know…  

  • Hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) is a renewable diesel which can be produced from various vegetable oils[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 10 – Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil

Listen back to this weeks episode as Radio Nova's Traic Ó Braonáin finds out about the background to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, what it can be used for and chats with HVO distributor Thomas Flynn. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 9 – The Climate Ambassador Programme

  This week Radio Nova looked at the Climate Ambassador programme.   Did you know…   The Climate Ambassador programme was launched in 2017 and is coordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce with support from the Department of[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 9 – The Climate Ambassador Programme

Listen back to this episode from Radio Nova's Traic Ó Braonáin about the background to the Climate Ambassador Programme, as he chats with Climate Ambassador and school teacher James Lowry about his experience. For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 8 – Polytunnels

Listen back to this episode as Traic Ó Braonáin finds out why more people are moving towards polytunnels and greenhouses and link to conversation with polytunnel owner Pádraig Ó Máirtín.  For more in this series listen into Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm  [...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 8 – Polytunnels and Greenhouses

  This week Radio Nova looked at the advantages of polytunnels and greenhouses   Polytunnels and Greenhouses small polytunnel or greenhouse is perfect for growing popular plants like tomatoes, and can be a great way to get kids[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 7 – Sustainable Gardening

Listen in to this episode as Traic Ó Braonáin investigates the concept of sustainable gardening and chats with Anna Browne about how to do it.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm.[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 7 – Sustainable Gardening

  This week Radio Nova looked at the importance of sustainable gardening   So, what is sustainable gardening?  There's no official definition, but the idea is to minimize humans' impact on the earth. Sustainable gardening practices at home include avoiding polluting chemicals[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 6 – Solar at Home

Listen back to this weeks episode as Traic Ó Braonáin chats to Tony Palmer about the growing popularity of Solar Panels for home use.  For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 6 – Solar at Home

  This week Radio Nova looked at residential Solar Panels   The main advantages of Solar Panels:

  1. Renewable Energy Source
  1. Reduces Your Electricity Bills
  1. Diverse Applications
  1. Low Maintenance[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 5 – Eco Friendly Cleaning at Home

  This week Radio Nova looked at the importance of switching to more eco friendly cleaning products  6 Easy And Quick Green Cleaning Tips For Every Home

  1. Use multi-purpose products whenever possible
There are some fantastic green cleaning products that[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 5 – Eco Friendly Cleaning at Home

Listen back to this episode from Traic Ó Braonáin about the importance of eco cleaning and hear him chat to Eibhlin Fitzpatrick about how you can clean in an eco friendly way at home!  For more in this series, listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 4 – The importance of Bees

  This week Radio Nova looked at the importance of Bees for Bio-Diversity  Did you know…

  • Bee’s produce six hive products, pollen, honey, beeswax, royal jelly, propolis and venom 
  • There are 101[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 4 – The importance of Bees

Listen back to Traic Ó Braonáin about the importance of bees and link to conversation with beekeeper Noel Kelly.  For more in this series, listen to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


July 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 3 – Sustainable gifting

Thinking of buying a bouquet? Think again! In this episode Radio Nova explore the pro's and con's of buying fresh cut flowers and how to be more sustainable For more in this series listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm[...]


July 5, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 3 – Sustainable gifting

    This week Radio Nova looked at the importance of locally grown flowers vs. imported bouquets   Did you know…

  • A bouquet of imported flowers has a carbon footprint of 30kg (a flight to Paris has a carbon[...]


June 16, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 2 – All about BER Ratings for your home

Listen in to Traic Ó Braonáin about the Building Energy Rating (BER) with guest Tony Palmer who has achieved an A1 rating in his own home and find out how to increase the energy efficiency in your own home. Listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm for more[...]


June 16, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tip Sheet 2 – Energy Efficiency and BER ratings for your home

This week Radio Nova looked at the ways people can improve the Energy Efficiency of their home. Did you know… Some of the most common ways that energy is wasted in the home are:

  1. Leaving[...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Episode 1 – Refill and Reuse

Listen to Traic Ó Braonáin about the emergence of refill shops and the importance of reusing above recycling, and hear his chat with with Refill Shop owner Eibhlin Fitzpatrick.   For more in this series, listen in to Radio Nova every Thursday at 8pm for more great episodes   [...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Weekly Tips 1 – Refill and Reuse

    This week Radio Nova looked at the emergence of Refill Shops around the country. Did you know… 

  • Ireland generated 1.12 million tonnes of packaging waste in 2020.
  • Producing plastic products from recycled plastics reduces energy requirements[...]


June 9, 2023

TITLE: Radio Nova – Episode 1 – The Panel

Join Greg Cochrane for the first panel programme in the environmental series 'Ours to Protect' and listen in every week on Thursdays at 8pm for more episodes. [...]


Radio Nova