Corks 96FM

Cork’s 96FM is the market leading station in Ireland’s second city and biggest county. Home of Cork’s freshest new breakfast show Lorraine & Ross in the Morning and the award winning daily talk show, The Opinion Line.

96FM plays Cork’s Best Music Mix and hosts one of the biggest annual charity appeals on Irish Radio, The Cork’s 96FM Giving for Living Radiothon.

Recent entries

April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 42 – The National Spring Clean

Did you know…  National Spring Clean has been operated by An Taisce since 1999 in partnership with the Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government and Local Authorities and is sponsored by the Wrigley Company Ltd. The size and scale of National Spring Clean has grown steadily and significantly[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 42 – The National Spring Clean

This week 96FM spoke with Emlyn Cullen, the National Spring Clean Manager for an Taisce about the project.  For more in this series listen into Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 41 – Old Oak Sustainability Plan

Did you know…  The Old Oak pub is on Oliver Plunkett Street. A significant proportion of its energy needs is being self-generated through almost 100 solar panels on its roof. Ger says they are seeing the benefits from making changes to how they operate which also includes a move[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 41 – Old Oak Sustainability Plan

This week 96FM spoke with Ger Kiely of the Old Oak, Clara O’Neill of the CBA and Ann Doherty, Chief Executive of Cork City Council about the landmark sites sustainability plans.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 40 – The National Bio-diversity Plan

Did you know?  The aim of the National Biodiversity action plan is to ensure that every citizen, community, business, local authority, semi-state and state agency has an awareness of biodiversity and its importance, and of the implications of its loss, while also understanding how they can act to address[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 40 – The National Bio-diversity Plan

This week 96fm spoke to Minister of State, Malcolm Noonan about the recent launch of the National Biodiversity Action Plan. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 39 – My Greenway

Did you know…  County Mayor, Cllr Frank O'Flynn and Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Deputy Jack Chambers TD officially opened the first part of the Midleton to Youghal Greenway recently. Phase one stretches 8km from Midleton Train Station to Mogeely, marking the first step in establishing[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 39 – My Greenway

This week 96fm spoke with County Mayor Cllr Frank O’Flynn and Minister of State Jack Chambers about My Greenway.  For more in this series listen into Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 38 – The Big Travel Challenge 2024

Did you know…  The Big Travel Challenge 2024 asks school communities to focus on modes of active travel like walking, cycling or scooting, and try to get as many people using that mode as possible over a period of 10 school days.  Schools can also promote a range[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 38 – The Big Travel Challenge 2024

This week 96fm spoke with Ciara Norton, travel manager of the Green-Schools initiative about this new project.  For more in this series listen in to 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 37 – Deeptech Festival

Did you know…  Many fields are applying the innovations of deep tech. Among the most common types of deep tech are the following:

  • Advanced materials. Deep tech includes engineering materials at the molecular level to create products with enhanced electrical, thermal, structural and other[...]


April 28, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 37 – Deeptech Festival

Listen back to this week's episode as we speak with Eshna Gogia from Republic of Work about Deeptech festival.  For more in this series listen in to 96FM every Friday at 10.45am  [...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 36 – Restomation

Did you know…   

  • In Ireland, approximately 20% of people opt for cremation. By contrast, in the UK, over 75% of people opt for the service.
  • On average, cremation emits about 400kg of CO2 per body.
  • More

February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 36 – Restomation

This week 96fm spoke with Elizabeth Oakes of Pure Reflections which offers a green, eco-friendly, and gentle alternative to flame cremation and burial. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 35 – Project Drawdown

Did you know…   

  • 40% of food produced worldwide ends up in landfill, which accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions.
  • In Ireland, food waste accounts for 29% of food bought by Irish households.
  • According to[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 35 – 2Good2Go

This week 96fm spoke with Jamie Crummie, co-founder of Too Good to Go. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 34 – ReFurbed

This week 96fm spoke with Padraig Power is Senior Marketing Manager for Global Operations at Refurbed.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 34 – ReFurbed

Did you know…    Based on the results of the study, buying refurbished smartphones, tablets and laptops instead of new devices saves : 

  • Between 69 and 91% of CO2 emissions with an average across all devices of 80%,   
  • Between 60[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 33 – Enterprise Ireland Sustainability

Did you know…  Mitigating the impact of climate change and addressing environmental issues requires a whole-of-society approach. The enterprise sector must reduce its emissions by 35% by 2030 – while Ireland as a whole must reduce emissions by 51%.  Moving towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy is a journey[...]


February 25, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 33 – Enterprise Ireland Sustainability

This week 96fm spoke with Alexa Toomey, Head of Sustainability , Renewable Energy and AgTech at Enterprise Ireland.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96 FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 32 – Return Deposit Scheme

Did you know…  Ireland currently has a recycling rate on plastic bottles and cans of 62% which means nearly 700 million single use items are not being recycled properly. A lot of these find their ways to rubbish bins or line the streets, rivers and beaches causing huge litter[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 32 – Return Deposit Scheme

This week 96fm spoke with Colin O Byrne from Voice Ireland about the new return Deposit scheme.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 31 – Waste not Want not..

Did you know…  More than one-quarter of the global food production is wasted, contributing significantly to climate change, with food loss and waste responsible for 8-10% of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable tourism is defined by the UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization as “tourism that takes[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 31 – Waste not Want not..

This week 96fm spoke with Katherine Fitzpatrick For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


February 13, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 30 – Upcycling and the Circular Economy

Did you know…  Ireland is one of the biggest consumers and disposers of textiles in the EU. We consume 53 kg per person per year and throw away 35 kg, compared to the European average of 26 kg and 12 kg. Around 110,000 tonnes of textiles in Ireland[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 30 – Upcycling and the Circular Economy

This week 96fm spoke with Ailis Crowley from FASH Fashion about the importance of upcycling and the circular economy. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 29 – Recycling at Christmas

This week 96fm spoke with Cork City Council and local recycling initiatives about Christmas tree disposal. Did you know…  In 2022, over 650,000 live trees were sold in Ireland, with 2023’s numbers expected to be higher.   Trees that are not recycled properly and mulched, end up in[...]


February 13, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 29 – Recycling your Christmas Tree

This week 96fm spoke with Cork City Council and local recycling initiatives about Christmas tree disposal. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 28 – Food Waste at Christmas

Did you know…  A recent EPA survey found that 44 per cent of people reported that they waste more food at Christmas, with over 70 per cent admitting that they buy extra food ‘just in case’ they have unexpected visitors.    On a weekly basis, we waste approximately one[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 28 – Food Waste at Christmas

This week 96FM spoke with Odile Le Bolloch from the EPA about reducing Food Waste at Christmas.  For more in this series, listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


February 13, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 27 – Sustainable Toys

This week 96FM spoke with toy suppliers around Cork.   Did you know…  Each year, 60 million Barbie dolls are sold, contributing emissions equivalent to burning 381 million gallons of gasoline.   In France alone, more than 40 million toys end up as waste each year, and in the[...]


January 27, 2024

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 27 – Sustainable Toys

This week 96FM spoke with toy suppliers around Cork about Sustainable toys for Christmas gifts.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 26 – A Sustainable Christmas

Did you know…  While Christmas is the highlight of many years, it is also one of the planet's most wasteful. A question that arises for many year-on-year is down to trees: real or artificial? Studies have shown that a real tree[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 26 – Cork Christmas Tree Farmers

This week 96FM spoke with three Cork-based Christmas Tree farmers For more in this series listen into 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 25 – Energy Solutions

Did you know…  The energy solutions company specialises in mechanical and electrical services. CEO Berth Sheehy set up the company with his wife Rosemarie in 2009. Energywise Ireland now employs 90 people in Cork and Kerry. This year, the company completed[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 25 – Sustainable Christmas

This week 96FM spoke with Berth Sheehy of Energywise Ireland about a sustainable christmas  For more in this series listen in to 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 24 – Gum Litter

This week 96FM spoke with Avril Donlon of the Gum Litter Taskforce.  For more in this series listen in to C103 every Friday at 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 23 – Polar IceTech

Did you know…  Using dry ice blasting reduces harmful air emissions and generally creates no addition to the volume of the cleaning process waste. And since dry ice pellets are made from recycled carbon dioxide, they contribute no new CO2[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 23 – Polar IceTech

This week 96FM spoke with Damien McDonnell of Polar IceTech.  For more in this series listen in to 96 FM every 10.45am[...]


December 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 24 – Gum Litter

Did you know…  92% of people now recognise that dropped gum is litter. 71% of people correctly identify the core message of the campaign. 9% Chewing gum has continued to fall as a percentage of litter since GLT began[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 22 – Republic of Work

This week 96FM spoke with Eshna Gogia, Programme Manager at Republic of Work Did you know…  Republic of Work has linked up with the 2050 Sustainability Ecosystem, an initiative which aims to bring people together to focus on climate action,[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 22 – Republic of Work

Listen back to this week's episode as Mairead Twohig chats to Eshna Gogia about Cork's Republic of Work.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 21 – Hair Salon Sustainability

This week 96FM spoke with Lorraine Naughton owner of OB1 Salon.  Did you know…  The average full time hairstylist  generates 3 kgs of waste each year,  after 5 years that's an estimated 236 kgs of waste sent to landfill.  More

November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 21 – Hair Salon Sustainability

Listen back to this week's episode as Katie O’ Keeffe chats to Lorraine Naughton Green Salon Collective about environmentally friendly hair salons. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am.[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 20 – An Eco Friendly Halloween

This week 96FM spoke with Sangeetha Shreekar of   Did you know…  Environmental group Hubbub conducted a study into Halloween waste and they found that 83% of Halloween costumes used non-recyclable oil-based plastics which meant they were destined to end[...]


November 13, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 20 – An Eco Friendly Halloween

Listen back to this week's episode as Katie O’ Keeffe chats to Sangeetha Shreekar about how to have an eco friendly Halloween.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 19 – Ebee Bike Share scheme

Did you know…  According to a study conducted by the European Cyclists Federation, e-bikes are even better for the environment than electric cars, creating just 2.5 to 5 grams of carbon dioxide per mile. E-bikes require less maintenance and fuel[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 19 – Ebee Bike Share scheme

Listen back to this week's episode as we explore Cork's ebee bike share scheme. For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am  [...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 17 – Plastic Free Periods

Did you know… 

  • Disposable menstrual items are the 5th most commonly littered product found on European beaches.
  • Menstrual items are a substantial source of single-use plastic. Menstrual pads contain up to 90%plastic,[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 17 – Plastic Free Periods

This week 96FM spoke with Lauren Duggan from Riley about the impact of disposable menstruation items on the environment and what to do to combat this.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 16 – Cloth Free Nappies

Did you know… 

  • They will require an average of 8 nappies per day for the first 2.5 years of life. A total of 134,480 single-use plastic nappies go to landfill everyday within County Cork.
  • More

October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 16 – Cloth Free Nappies

Listen back to this week's episode as 96FM spoke with Kate Doyle from the Cloth Nappy Library Ireland.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 18 – More Sustainable Supermarkets

Did you know… 

  • 23 stores took part in the initiative this year, and the combined energy savings from these stores is 6.3 million KWH, enough to power 861 Irish homes.
  • The Cork[...]


October 23, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 18 – More Sustainable Supermarkets

This Week 96FM spoke to Jason O’ Callaghan and Daniel Murphy about the environmental changes they are making in Musgrave stores across Cork.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 15 – Making Cork a Car Free City

Did you know…  A survey was carried out to inform Cork City Council's Climate Action Unit. The survey reveals that: 

  •  64% of Cork people strongly agree that ‘Cork must transform into a more sustainable[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 15 – Making Cork a Car Free City

This week 96FM spoke with Dr Darren McAdam-O'Connell and Cllr. Oliver Moran about the plans to make Cork a car free city  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 14 – Voice Ireland

Did you know…  Vapes were originally produced to help people trying to quit smoking and for some they still serve that important purpose.  However single-use disposable vapes are growing more and more popular, and they’ve become one of the defining[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 14 – Voice Ireland

This week 96FM spoke with Lyndsey O’Connell of VOICE Ireland about their campaign to ban vapes in Ireland.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 11.05am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 13 – The Pollinator Trail

This week 96FM spoke with Cork City Council and the Irish Bee Conservation Charity. Did you know... All plants with flowers completely rely on two types of pollination for reproduction; Self-pollination and Cross-pollination. There are 98 different species of solitary bees in Ireland. Unlike social bees, most[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 13 – The Pollinator Trail

Listen back to this week's episode as we talk to Elaine Conway, Vicky Knight and Arthur Needham about the pollinator trail at Fota House  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 1045am[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 12 – Eco Friendly Birthday Parties

Did you know…  Plastic Party bags are made of single use plastics, which we all know are really bad for our children's planet. There are Approximately 670,000 4-8 year olds in Ireland, if each one receives 5 bags this[...]


September 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 12 – Eco Friendly Birthday Parties

This week 96FM spoke with Sharon Keilthy, owner of Jiminy Eco Toys about how to throw an eco friendly birthday party.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 11 – Relove Paint

  Did you know…    Recycling one gallon of paint can save nearly 100 kilowatt hours of energy and keeps 115 pounds of carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere. That’s enough energy to make 160 large cups of coffee!  Buying recycled paint[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 11 – Relove Paint

Listen back as 96FM's Katie O'Keeffe chats with Wayne O Donnell from Relove paint and learn more about this innovative solution to the problem of paint waste.  For more in this series, listen in every Friday at 10.45am for more  [...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 10 – A Marine Campaigner

This week 96FM spoke with lifelong marine campaigner, Jack O Donovan Trá.  Did you know…  According to a Fair Seas survey, more than 90% of people support the creation of MPAs. MPAs are areas of our seas and coasts, focused[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 10 – A Marine Campaigner

This week 96FM's Katie O'Keefe spoke with lifelong marine campaigner, Jack O Donovan Trá about his love of the sea.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 9 – Farm to Fork

  This week 96FM spoke with Alexandre Petit of Trigon Hotels and Laura Behan of Ballymaloe House  Did you know…  Food security is the cornerstone of the “farm to fork strategy” and it is now higher on the strategy because of[...]


August 29, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 9 – Farm to Fork

Listen back to this week's episode as Katie O'Keeffe talks to Alexandre Petit and Laura Behan  about the Farm to Fork movement and it's impact on food waste and sustainability.  For more in this series, listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 8 – Sustainable Food Production

This week 96FM talked with Patrick Frankel of Kilbrack Organic Farm Did you know…  Sustainable food production' means shared responsibility for the production, supply and consumption of safe and nutritious food within a viable industry that simultaneously protects[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 8 – Sustainable Food Production

This week 96FM talked with Patrick Frankel of Kilbrack Organic Farm about biodiversity, soil health and sustainable food production and how it's worth spending extra time to learn where your produce comes from.  For more in this series listen in to Cork's 96FM every[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 7 – Creativity and Sustainability in Cork this Summer

    This week 96FM talked with Jessica Cull from the Playful Culture Trail Did you know…  The museums, galleries and historic sites are all keepers of Cork’s vibrant visual art and culture?                                                                                                    Bláithín the Lizard is back[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 7 – Creativity and Sustainability in Cork this Summer

Listen back to this weeks episode as Katie O'Keefe finds out what's planned for a creative and sustainable summer in Cork this summer. For more in this series listen to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 6 – The Cork Swap Shop

  This week 96FM talked with Clare Buckley from Cork Clothes Swap.    Did you know…  The amount of used textiles exported from the EU has tripled over the last two decades from slightly over 550,000 tonnes in 2000 to[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 6 – The Cork Swap Shop

Listen back to this episode as Katie O'Keefe chats to Clare Buckley about monthly clothes swap events in Cork and how they are a sustainable way to get your hands on some new fashion items, as well as saving money. For more in this series, listen in to Cork's[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 5 – Refill and Re-use

  This week 96FM talked with Wendy Hickey and Andrea Sivieri about refill shops in Ireland and the impact they can have on local communities.   Did you know…  Ireland generated 1.12 million tonnes of packaging[...]


August 6, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 5 – Refill and Re-use

Listen back to this episode as Katie o'Keefe from Cork's 96FM chats to Wendy Hickey and Andrea Sivieri who own Earthway Refill, a store in Midleton. For more in this series, listen in to Cork's 96FM every Friday at 10.45am[...]


August 5, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Tips 4 – The Otter Trail

Listen back to this episode as Alana chats to John Armstrong from the Cork Nature Network and chats about Corks Otter Trail from Camden Quay to Fitzgeralds Park and hear about the New Trail opening in Youghal soon.  For more in this series, listen in to Cork's 96FM[...]


July 5, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Weekly Episode 4 – The Otter Trail

  Listen back as Alana Daly Mulligan chats to John Armstrong from the Cork Nature Network about Corks Otter Trail which goes from Camden Quay to Fitzgeralds Park in the city and hear about a new trail opening in Youghal soon.  For more in this series listen to Cork's[...]


July 5, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Tips 3 – The Urban Soil Project

  This week 96FM talked with Virginia O'Gara, founder of MyGoodness and the Cork Urban Soil Project about soil health and closed loop systems  Did you know…  A third of the food we buy goes in the bin every[...]


July 5, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Episode 3 – The Urban Soil Project

Listen back as Alana Daly Mulligan chats to Virginia O'Gara, founder of MyGoodness and the Cork Urban Soil Project and finds out how they make food that is delicious and nutritious and why we should care about soil. This episode was recorded in The[...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Episode 2 – Nature Restoration Law Update

This week 96FM talked with MEP for Ireland South Grace O'Sullivan about the upcoming Nature Restoration Law going to vote in the European Parliament. Listen back to Corks 96FM every Friday at 10.45am for more in this series [...]


June 29, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Tips 2 – Nature Restoration Law Update

This week 96FM talked with MEP for Ireland South Grace O'Sullivan about the upcoming Nature Restoration Law going to vote in the European Parliament.  Did you know… 

  • 1 in 3 bee and butterfly species are in decline 
  • More than 50% of global GDP[...]


June 22, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Episode 1 – The Common Environment concept explained

Listen in to Corks 96FM and hear the concept of 'The Common Environment explained. Join Alana Daly Mulligan and Movern Odling as they discuss active citizenship, bio-diversity and social inclusion. Listen in to Corks 96FM every Friday at 10.45am for more in this series. [...]


June 22, 2023

TITLE: Corks 96FM – Weekly Tip Sheet 1

This week 96FM talked with Movern Odling at the concept of commoning as a way of protecting our green spaces.  Did you know…  When we talk about the commons, we are referring to the[...]


June 12, 2023

TITLE: Cork’s 96FM – Episode 1 – The Panel

Join PJ Coogan as he presents the first programme in the 'Ours to Protect' series focusing on climate change and climate action. Listen to the views of Cork people about climate change and from the experts in studio. In this programme PJ chats with Mark Galvin Producer “Eating Our Way To[...]


Corks 96FM